A4 Residency Art CenterEvents

2024 RE-CREATE《Birds Radio – Draw Your Imaginary Bird》 Painting Workshop


Birds Radio was born and developed at a special time, and it is a product of the emotional resonance of the group in a special context. At the same time, it explores the topics of earth, nature, human beings, biodiversity, and the community of life.

The painting workshop was opened by the music from nature – birdsong. Artist Liu Yi led the children in the community to recognize birds from all over the world at all times of the year, and to appreciate birds created by people – it could be ancient wine vessels, artists’ bird prints, and more importantly, art created in the ancient Greek period. art created during the ancient Greek period. Accompanied by moving and ethereal birds, artist Liu Yi encouraged everyone to listen to the sounds and imagine and paint the birds in their minds – birds that look like those in movies, courtship birds, blue owls, and even drunken blushing birds. As Mr. Liu Yi admired everyone’s work, he mentioned that everyone’s bird paintings had the feeling of self-portraits…. …

  • Artist

    Liu Yi

    Born in 1981, currently living and working in Shanghai, Liu Yi is both an independent artist and an educator and practitioner in the field of public art. He explores issues and relationships such as the body and space, spirit and matter, individual and public, and the locality and detachment of culture through various forms of creation, including painting, sculpture, installation, video, and performance. He is also interested in the narrative relationship between digital media, materiality, and creative themes, and has created numerous two-dimensional or spatial artworks in the context of everyday life and social scenes.

  • Time and Location

    2024.10.07 14:30-16:30


  • Co-organizers

    A4 Residency Art Center,CPI