A4 Art MuseumEvents
Exhibition EventsLive Performance/Performance Art

“The Scene of Behaviors in Progress (Part One)” | “Random Fluctuations”

  • Date
  • Time
    13:00 - 17:00
  • Location
    Starcott Illustration Art Store Restroom
  • Artist
    Wang Xiyue


Part One

Title: “Random Fluctuations” Artist: Wang Xiyue Project Description: In a completely dark space, the artist engages in one-on-one interaction with the audience, perceiving them and initiating random and unpredictable interactions using the body or objects, emphasizing bodily sensations beyond visual perception for the audience.

  • Artist Introduction

    Wang Xiyue, born in 2000 in Ya’an, currently lives and works in Chengdu. She primarily practices and creates through performance art, considering it both a creative method and a path of spiritual cultivation. Her creations are rooted in individual perception, aiming to find balance amidst contradictions and polarizations. She hopes to uncover spiritual expressions inherent in the fundamental layers of shared potential relationships at a higher level.