A4 Art MuseumEvents
LecturesAcademic Events

Series of Lectures on the Construction and Methodology of Documentation Libraries — Why Do It? How to Do It? UP-ON Behavioral Art Archive

  • Lecturer:
    Zhou Bin


One of the 2023 series of lectures on the construction and methodology of documentation libraries organized by the A4 Documentation Center, this series will invite documentation professionals and institutions to share their insights on the methods and working mechanisms of constructing documentation libraries. We will also revisit the networked relationship between documentation and archives, explore how to establish links between documentation resources and individuals, and build a platform for exchange and research.

For this session, we have invited Zhou Bin, the founder of the UP-ON Behavioral Art Archive, who will share with us his insights on the reasons for establishing the archive, its survival strategies, positioning and project planning, as well as its current status.

  • Zhou Bin

    Between 1994 and 1997, Zhou Bin created oil paintings in Beijing’s Old Summer Palace and Songzhuang. Since 1997, he has focused on the creation and research of performance art.

    In his artistic creation, Zhou Bin emphasizes the research of personal will and the ontology of art, stressing that “what to say is important, but how to say it is even more crucial.”

    Zhou Bin has extensively participated in international performance art exchange activities, conducting on-site creations, residency research, academic lectures, and workshop hosting in Europe, North America, Oceania, Asia, and other regions.

    To promote the development of performance art, Zhou Bin actively participates in the organization of artistic activities and teaching work. In 2008, he jointly founded the UP-ON International Live Art Festival. In 2021, he published the monograph “Lessons in Performance Art” and established the UP-ON Behavioral Art Archive.


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