A4 Art MuseumEvents
Exhibition EventsDialogue Series

Strategies for Heterogeneous Transformation of Everyday Objects: Video as a Medium


Screening & Discussion
Strategies for Heterogeneous Transformation of Everyday Objects: Video as a Medium

Thursday, December 20, 2018, 18:30-20:30

Yu Guo (Artist)
Zhang Ying (Ph.D. Candidate in Art Theory, Sichuan University)

Qiu Shi Building, 1st Floor, Chengdu University of Electronic Science and Technology (UESTC), No. 1 Baiye Road, Gaoxin West District, Chengdu, Sichuan

LuxeLakes·A4 Art Museum
School of Art and Technology, Chengdu University of Electronic Science and Technology

Event Description
Roman’s Suitcase
— Screening and Post-Screening Discussion of the Official Documentary on Roman Signer (Campus Screening)

From the Swiss Alps to Eastern Poland, from Stromboli Island to Iceland, Mr. Roman’s “suitcase” travels across Europe, tracing the fascinating contours of the landscape and following a predetermined route. This journey signifies an ongoing search for his ideal place. By simply manipulating his own tools, Roman Signer masterfully presents us with a rich and subtle sense of humor. “Simple” poetry is conveyed through tools like gunpowder, fuses, kayaks, balloons, chairs, small tables, and a three-wheeled Piaggio vehicle, transporting these items into space. The psychological dangers transform into sensory stimuli, and sudden emotional collapses set the tone for an atmospheric and dramatic journey.

“Imagine the locals in Iceland seeing this without seeing us—they might turn it into a legend to tell others, that one day, there was a little table floating on that tiny volcanic crater lake.” — Roman Signer

Following the screening, artist Yu Guo and Zhang Ying, a Ph.D. candidate in Art Theory at Sichuan University, will engage in a post-screening discussion with the audience.

Guest Introductions
Yu Guo
An artist whose work spans various media, including video and painting, Yu Guo focuses on art practices related to social space and locality. He currently lives and works in Chongqing.

Zhang Ying
A Ph.D. candidate in Art Theory at Sichuan University, Zhang Ying’s research focuses on modern and contemporary art trends and theory. She has worked as an editor for the “Global City” International Art Biennale at the Chengdu Pompidou and is a contributing critic for ARTFORUM China. In 2015, she studied at the Art Management Institute of Yuan Ze University in Taiwan. Her research and critical articles have been published in Literature and Art Studies, ARTFORUM, and other magazines and media outlets.