A4 Art MuseumEvents
Exhibition EventsSpecial Guide Series

Extraordinary Guided Tour: Exploring the Exhibition with Sister Fu – Fun Matters More Than Meaning


Event Description

The Extraordinary Guided Tour is a regular public program at A4 Art Museum that differs from conventional guided tours. It empowers participants with the opportunity to share and express their understanding of art. Each session features a “special” guest from a different field who integrates their unique experiences and insights into the tour, turning the exhibition visit into a multidimensional exchange of ideas.

For this session, we are excited to invite an incredibly talented and versatile woman—Sister Fu. Her roles include, but are not limited to, lifestyle aesthete, philanthropist, founder of BuJuan Design, partner at Flora M, leader of the Shu Lion Art Troupe, and speaker at TEDx Beijing 798Factory in 2018.

At the end of the event, Sister Fu will invite everyone to write a postcard to themselves. (Can you guess what the postcard’s design will be?)


Guest Introduction

Sister Fu, 65, began her career at China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), where she worked as a geologist and HR professional. In the early 1990s, she ventured into entrepreneurship, focusing on advertising, cultural exchange, and exhibition and performance industries.

After retiring, Sister Fu redefined her life with the philosophy that “fun matters more than meaning.” She now spends her time reading, traveling, enjoying gourmet food, and participating in the planning and execution of cultural and art public projects. She hosts and speaks at various events, including sharing sessions, book signings, and different topic discussions. Additionally, she serves as an NTLive guide, Kendal Mountain Film Festival guide, and co-curator. Sister Fu is also deeply involved in lifestyle aesthetics, death education, rural education, and poverty alleviation initiatives. She was honored as the 2021 China Aesthetics Ambassador by Paris MD and co-initiated the “Lighthouse Project,” a public welfare initiative that won the 2022 China Lions Club Excellence Service Project Award.

Sister Fu is endlessly curious about the world and continuously explores new possibilities in life. She cherishes every moment, advocates lifelong learning, and personal growth, and is a passionate sharer who aims to inspire and warm the hearts of those around her with her love for life and living.

Event Information
Date: November 18, 2023, 14:30-16:30
Location: A4 Art Museum Exhibition Hall (LuxeTown Mountaintop Plaza)