A4 Art MuseumEvents
Exhibition EventsWorkshop Series

Shinji Ohmaki Solo Exhibition Closing Interactive Event: Step into Echoes · Infinity


Shinji Ohmaki Solo Exhibition Closing Interactive Event: Step into Echoes · Infinity

Event Time: November 19, 2023, 15:00-18:00
Event Location: A4 Art Museum Exhibition Hall, Echoes · Infinity (LuxeTown Mountaintop Plaza)
Participation: Entry with a valid exhibition ticket or invitation

Event Description
In the artwork Echoes · Infinity, Shinji Ohmaki, along with seven assistants, spent three weeks creating a vast field of concentric floral patterns featuring plant and animal motifs. These patterns were painstakingly layered with mineral pigments through stencils and adhered to the carpet. Over time, the patterns have undergone subtle or dramatic changes.

During the three-month exhibition period, visitors have observed the entire space from a glass walkway. On the final day of the exhibition, November 19, Shinji Ohmaki invites visitors to step off the glass walkway and into the artwork itself. Each footprint you leave may alter the work, creating new forms.

“As some things are destroyed, new ones are born. I want to express this transformation, which symbolizes the cycle of life and the eternity of existence.”